TFT and EMDR Curing 14 Years of Grief |
In 1999 I had the privilege of helping a woman who had tragically lost a child in a head-on auto accident. She had been stuck in a state of unrelenting grief for 14 years. Through the use of TFT (Thought Field Therapy) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) she was finally set free from her pain and grief.
Here in her own words is what she said about her treatment:
“As a patient of Steve Reed’s, I would like this letter to act as a testimonial of his professional services.
My nineteen-year-old daughter was killed March 15, 1985, by 3 drunk drivers, on her way back to college. I knew I would never be the same. For fourteen years I have lived with the horrible memories of her death and have not been able to release the pain from my heart.
My life changed quickly when I met Steve. I was anxious to get better. I was anxious to feel again. I knew instinctively, that I could trust him and that he would help me get over my grief. I had never had any type of counseling or therapy before so I was not quite sure what to expect.
Steve showed me how to bring my grief, that had been buried for so long, to the surface, and let it go. It has taken only a few sessions for me to understand my feelings and replace the painful memories with loving thoughts of my daughter.
Steve guided me but let me go at my own pace. I am amazed at the speed of my recovery. After my first session, I was emotionally drained but I felt like I was taking a big step forward. After my second session, all kinds of mixed feelings surfaced. I felt relieved and encouraged, but I didn’t really believe it could last. But it did. It only got better. I feel stronger and more confident and in control of my life.
Another interesting aspect resulted from my sessions. I am now willing and able to free myself of other negative feelings that I have been harboring for years. I have forgiven, accepted and found peace.
I am extremely grateful for Steve’s guidance and I know that I will continue to grow and be fulfilled. I have much to be thankful for and it is due in great part to his efforts. I am excited about starting my ‘new’ life.”
Carol W., Dallas, Texas
March 22, 1999
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