Counseling Issues
Below is a list of articles organized by different counseling issues. Each counseling issue that is listed will have one or more articles related to it. Some of the categories can overlap. For example under the phobia issue is an article on driving phobias. Under the Panic Attacks issue, there is an article on panic attacks while driving. These articles are related even though they appear under two seemingly different counseling issues.
Feel free to explore the articles regarding the different issues that are of interest to you. There you will also find information about treatments that are categorized on the treatment methods page. The Counseling Issues page and the Treatment Methods page will provide you plenty of information about specific issues that may concern you and how best to treat them.

Needle Phobia
(blood draw)
Insect Phobias
(spiders, roaches)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)— Overwhelming Events
PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Therapy

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Relationship Pain
Healing Past Hurts with EMDR and TFT
Recovering from Men Who Have Affairs
Divorce Recovery
Loss of a Significant Relationship
Fear of Intimacy
Fear of Abandonment
Fear of Being Hurt Again
Commitment Fear
Relationship Compatibility
Dates Need Adequate Product Safety Labeling
Love Relationships : The Unconscious Agenda
How to Have a Low Stress Relationship
Overcoming Past Relationship Stress

Improving Performance:
Work | School
Creativity Enchancement