the REMAP Pilot Study
to Other Studies and Methods

The research that made me decide to work with the acupressure-enhanced forms of psychotherapy was the one conducted by Charles Figley, Ph.D., of Florida State University (FSU) in 1995. In that study, the researchers invited the developers of four new, leading-edge treatment methods that were reported to produce more effective and rapid treatment with traumatic incidents, to demonstrate their approaches in a comparative study. Dr. Figley who publishes “Traumatology”, an electronic journal on prevention and treatment of PTSD, was interested in seeing how these approaches would perform in a research setting. Their results were published in TRAUMATOLOGYe, 5:1, Article 4, 1999 under the title, “Running ahead: PROMISING PTSD TREATMENT APPROACHES–A Systematic Clinical Demonstration of Promising PTSD Treatment Approaches” by Joyce L. Carbonell and Charles Figley. I was particularly interested in his findings with regard to how TIR and TFT (the first widely used acupressure-based psychotherapy) compared to EMDR and to NLP, two treatments that I had already been trained in. The results were encouraging and lead me to study both TIR and TFT. Dr. Figley’s study is the closest in similarity to the REMAP Pilot study. Both involved small sample sizes and utilized Wolpe’s Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale (SUD scale) as one measure of the response to treatment. Both of the studies also focused on treating traumatic events. Following the Florida State University findings in the graph below, you will find the comparable results from the REMAP pilot study. The chart shows the SUD results for both studies, the length of treatment in minutes and the percent reduction of distress. This chart displays results on a Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale (0————-10). On this scale 0 equals no distress and 10 equals the worst distress. Figley Study at Florida State University 1995 vs. REMAP Pilot 2006 |

Tx = Treatment
SSDR = Sensory Stimulation—Desensitization Response
TIR = Traumatic Incident Reduction Therapy
NLP = Neuro-linguistic Programming (visual/kinesthetic disassociation technique)
EMDR = Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
TFT = Thought Field Therapy
Steve B. Reed, LPC, LMSW, LMFT is a psychotherapist and energy psychology innovator who has developed the REMAP process. Steve provides training in energy psychology methods and individual counseling both in office and by telephone.
- Neurophysiological Indicators of EFT Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress, a study by Paul G. Swingle, Ph.D.; Lee Pulos, Ph.D. & Mari K. Swingle, M.A.
This EFT study was first presented at the International Energy Psychology Conference in 2000 and then published in 2004. It is also close in similarity to the REMAP Pilot study in several ways. Here again, both involved small sample sizes and utilized Wolpe’s Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale (SUD scale) as one measure of the response to treatment. Both of these studies also focused on treating traumatic events. This study was published in the Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine Journal, Volume 15, No. 1, 2004 under the title “Experimental: Neurophysiological Indicators of EFT Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress” by Paul G. Swingle, Ph.D.; Lee Pulos, Ph.D. & Mari K. Swingle, M.A.
The SUD scale originally used in this study was a 1 to 10 scale (10 point). Below, I have converted their results to a 0 to 10 version (11 point scale) for ease of comparison.
The following graph shows the comparable results from the Swingle et al. (2004) study and the REMAP pilot study (2006). The chart shows the SUD results for both studies, the average number of treatment sessions and the percent reduction of distress.
This chart displays results on an 11 Point Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale (0————-10).
Swingle, Pulos & Swingle EFT Study 2004 vs. REMAP Pilot 2006