The REMAP Process:
Letting Meridians Identify Emotions
by Steve B. Reed, LPC, LMSW, LMFT
Jana reported feeling “stressed” about her first project management opportunity at work. Her concerns included the project failing, possibly losing her job, and feeling like a failure. She was not, however, able to be specific about the emotions she was experiencing. In the REMAP process, if a person can identify the emotion associated with a problem, then narrowing down to a cluster of four to six meridians that resonate with that emotion is usually easy. But in Jana’s case, since she could not be specific, we had to check all 14 meridians to determine which ones would likely ease her “stressed” feeling.
The use of the REMAP Point Optimization Protocol allowed us to quickly isolate two meridians that were affected, the Gall Bladder meridian and the Kidney meridian. Both eased her “stressed” feeling, but the Gall Bladder meridian helped the most. The Gall Bladder is usually associated with feelings of intense anger or even rage, while the Kidney meridian is related to fear and anxiety. Having narrowed to the meridian that needed treatment the most, we were able to treat the involved points along the meridian, some of which were “reversed”.
Below is an illustration of the first 21 acupoints on the Gall Bladder Meridian.
We began her treatment at Gall Bladder 1, just outside of the eyes. At first the stress eased, but then it worsened (a reversal). While tapping GB1 she said, “Even though I don’t know if I can do it, I deeply and completely accept my self,” which cleared the psychological reversal. We then went on to Gall Bladder 2 (by the ear lobe), where we had to treat another reversal regarding her “not knowing if she could handle managing the project”. Gall Bladder 3 eased her emotions further. We discovered that Gall Bladder 4 through 7 were uninvolved, but Gall Bladder 8 (located above the top of the ear) made her feel worse. Jana reported that the feeling of pressure in her head dissipated as we treated her resentment “for them expecting her to travel so much just because she didn’t have a family”.
Through the use of the REMAP process, Jana not only eased her anger and resentment, but also discovered the emotions behind what she called “stressed,” began to expand her emotional vocabulary, and began to be more accepting of her angry feelings which had been “forbidden” emotions in her family.
Steve B. Reed, LPC, LMSW, LMFT is a psychotherapist and therapy method innovator who has developed the REMAP process. Steve provides training in the REMAP and Quick REMAP methods and individual counseling both in his office and by telephone.