Audio Discussion
Quick REMAP Professional Seminar participants
from Cleveland discuss their results working with
Quick REMAP.
Participants included 3 physicians, 1 psychologist, a medical social
worker and a professional counselor.
Lilia Gorodinski, D.O., an osteopathic physician who
teaches at a medical school, discuses several of the cases
she treated with Quick REMAP and her observations.
Case 1 audio
(4:35 - minutes)
Case 2 audio
(3:03 - minutes)
Case 3 audio
(4:14 - minutes)
Plus her results working with her own issue with Quick REMAP
Case 4 audio
(2:05 - minutes)
(1:08 - minutes) David Santoro, Ph.D., Lilia Gorodinski, D.O., Gene
Case 5 audio
(3:45 - minutes)
(0:25 - seconds) David Santoro, Ph.D.
Gene Burkhammer, a professional counselor, discuses a
case that he treated with Quick REMAP.
Case 6 audio
(6:56 - minutes)