Introducing Acupressure-brain 1

for Rapid Emotional Relief

by Steve B. Reed, LPC, LMSW, LMFT © 2007

Quick REMAP is a set of tools that will help you find relief from high-stress events that often leave a painful and long-lasting impact on the landscape of the emotional brain. Too frequently, people do not understand the effects of painful events and how they can lead to anxiety, depression, panic attacks, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, repressed anger, and unending grief.  I am happy to be introducing Quick REMAP to you with a list of articles below that will help you understand the powerful impact Quick REMAP can have.

Studies have shown that events far less distressing than catastrophic trauma cause people to have PTSD symptoms.  Other research shows that even 10 years after a traumatic event, people experience reduced functioning in their immune system.

Here is an introduction to Quick REMAP and how it can help.  By reading these articles, you will begin to see how this development in the REMAP process can benefit you and you will also have something that is immediately useable as a self-help technique.

If you will read the articles in the order that they are listed, you will find your way one step at a time, to one of the most effective healing methods available.

Below, I also provide a free 30-page manual on the use of the Quick REMAP 4-point Rapid Relief Protocol.  It is the easiest of all the Quick REMAP protocols. Quick REMAP training is now also available in a DVD, CD and Book learning package.  If you are ready for a treatment that produces real results, Quick REMAP awaits.

 Two Brains
  • When the thinking part of your brain and your emotional brain get in conflict, your sympathetic nervous system can take you on a high-stress, emotional rollercoaster ride that is far more frightening than fun.  This article, "A Tale of Two Brains--How REMAP Can Help" will help you understand what is happening and point you in the direction of help.


 introduction 1
  • In the "Introduction to Quick REMAP" article, you will learn why the Quick REMAP 4-point protocol is so effective for providing relief from overwhelming and high-stress events. (Hint--The interventions I have incorporated have been studied at prestigious institutions such as Harvard Medical School and Yale University School of Medicine.  You will be amazed at what these interventions can do.)


REMAP therapy calms the sympathetic nervous system
  • "Steps in the Quick REMAP 4-point Rapid Relief Protocol" will share the secret of how to use the easiest Quick REMAP protocol of them all.  This 30-page manual gives you a new tool to immediately eliminate the residue of distressing events, calm your nervous system, restore emotional balance with peace of mind, and very likely improve your physical well-being at the same time.  Here is how to take this process for a test drive.  It is my gift to you.
    PDF version


 chocolate ying yang
  • "Quick REMAP—Better than Chocolate for Rapid Stress Relief" is a semi-humorous article about me trying to explain to a friend at breakfast the results of an experiment involving thirteen people who tested the Quick REMAP 4-point protocol at the 9th International Energy Psychology Conference.  This will give you an idea of what you may be able to accomplish with this protocol.  It is short and great for people who have a low science tolerance.


 Anger 3


  • For most people, being trapped in a burning house would be a horrifying experience.  However, for this brave soul that was just part of a day’s work.  His training had prepared him to deal with such things.  What had traumatized him was something far worse.  It was something to which no compassionate person could be indifferent.  It was something that he could not get out of his mind.  He relived it every day. The article "Overcoming a Firefighter's Trauma" shows how the Full REMAP protocol and the Quick REMAP 4-point protocol were used to heal PTSD, ease depression, and help a man who was disabled by his traumatic experience return to work.


 5 star applause 1
  • Learn Quick REMAP
    Rapid Emotional Relief Self-Help Tools.  Complete learning package: DVD Seminar, CD Lectures, Book, and more.
Quick REAMP Acupressure Point LI 4 to Calm Emotional Pain

By Steve Reed at the Psychotherapy Center


REMAP Video Page

More REMAP Video



REMAP - A New Form of Psychotherapy

Treating Trauma with Quick REMAP

Emotional Intensity Amnesia: The Results Were So Effective; My Client Could Not Even Remember How Bad She Felt Just Minutes Before Treatment

Agoraphobia--Relieving the Roots of Agoraphobia with Quick REMAP

Needle Phobia | Successful Treatment with Quick REMAP


Quick REMAP Audio

Seminar Participants Discuss Their Results with Quick REMAP


Learn Quick REMAP

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